in less than a week, my friend Kelsey is arriving for a ten day visit! I am SO excited to have her, but it means that somehow April has escaped me and I'm about to enter a six-week-long touring + travel extravaganza.
we'll be hopping all over the island while she's here, and then a week after she leaves I'll be heading to Tokyo Disney for a belated birthday trip. [my birthday is actually next week, the 30th. I'm turning 29 and it doesn't even seem real at this point.] a few days after our return from Tokyo, my brother arrives for Taiwan tour part two. and after a few weeks of that, he and I will be flying back to Michigan together. Husband will head back to the states when school ends later in June. [and then it's weddings and babies and flying all over the country.]
I'd love to tell you the book is finished and I have posts written and scheduled for the next month or two. but no. I'd love to tell you that my house is spotless and I'm 100% ready to start receiving visitors. that I have packing plans for Tokyo and America all ready to be thrown into suitcases. but no, and no again.
in fact, I don't even have groceries or a plan for dinner.
add to all this madness that we just spent the weekend in Taipei instead of cleaning and planning, and this week I am helping teach Husband's ninth graders how to create and set up their own blogs and, well... I've got myself whipped into a frenzy.
I like to be prepared and to have control over things, and right now I very much do not. I've run out of time to accomplish everything and now I have to play triage with my tasks. but before I go off the deep end, I'm going to just stop for a minute and breathe.
I've decided to follow a new plan, something Husband like to tell his students: roll with it.
the world will not end if I have to order take-out. if I haven't swept under my bed by the time my friend arrives. if I miss a blog post or don't check twitter for 2 days. things go wrong, life happens, internet connections suck and laundry takes at least one full day to dry here. I'll do what I can. because at this point, there's not much else I can do.
so maybe this is reminder to myself, or maybe a reminder to you as well:
you are human, it's ok. just keep going. roll with it.