other than the new site design, I've been up to quite a bit this past month. in true Jamie fashion, I'm going to kick things off here with a list. this past month while on my blog break I:
+ spent time with family and friends I hadn't seen in a year [or two]
+ started an instagram series featuring everyone's favorite bendy green guy
+ went over a desert and under a cave.
+ beat the Lego Movie video game for PS3 with Husband... in about a week of playing.
+ biked around Mackinac Island and ate about a pound of fudge.
+ finished the paper markup on my manuscript first draft.
+ won the make waves essay contest with my post on not being afraid of your own splash.
+ became obsessed with writing reviews on TripAdvisor.
+ visited San Diego and took approximately ZERO pictures, but had a wonderful time.
+ met my newest nephew, Howard Sebastian.
+ attended two weddings- once as a bridesmaid, and once as a wife of a groomsman.
+ ate In-N-Out Burger for the first time. and second, third, fourth, and fifth times. [protien style animal is where it's at, kids.]
+ wrote a guest post on how life in Taiwan has changed me for Marielle's "hello world" series.
+ experienced brisket in Texas and fish tacos in California - both amazingly delicious.
+ spilled an entire cup of coffee in the middle of the airport at 5am.
+ celebrated that each of the 13 kids in Husband's AP World History course scored a 5 of 5 on their exams.
+ found a pack of baby raccoons in the neighbor's garage. [so. stinkin. cute.]
+ ate pie for breakfast... at least 4 times
in other words, I've been traveling around like a maniac but eating tons of good food and having a LOT of fun. I'm not sure how much posting I'll be doing from here until we head back to Taiwan [three weeks, eek!] but I'm going to do my best.
I hope you all have been having a lovely summer and I can't wait to catch up!