this whole Hong Kong/visa business really derailed my goals for last month. but for me, one of the lessons of goal-setting is not just to get things done, but to be more forgiving to myself when I don't.
I couldn't have anticipated having to go to Hong Kong. and it's not the first time I have underestimated the amount of time it takes to accomplish something in regards to my book manuscript. so... live and learn. this month we will have friends/family visiting for 2 weeks, so I'm going to be hesitant to overreach with my goals again.
goal updates:
new goal: complete this by Christmas
new goal: workout [run, hike, or lift] 3 times per week
new goal: complete music transfer so I have tunes to write to
new goal: keep up the 3 posts per week routine.
what are your goals for this month?
linking up with Melyssa for weekly wishes.