if I had to pick one word for Taiwan, it might be juxtaposition.
bright temples and billboards add contrast to the cement buildings that don't stand a chance of looking new for long in this climate. modern high-rises and Starbucks spring up next to ancient moats and abandoned lots. crumbling brick structures in a lush green rice field, scooters zipping down a road that winds through mist-shrouded mountains...
Taiwan can be dirty and dingy, blindingly colorful, or peaceful and refreshing. sometimes all at once.
and as much as some days I don't love it, I do love it.
and those are your Taiwan thoughts for today.
now: meet Christina of Route Bliss. photographer and road-tripper extroidinare, she also shares a little bit of everything on her blog. if you're looking for wanderlust inspiration - check out her dream destinations series. she's also got you covered for the holiday - with everything from budget-friendly last-minute gift ideas and holiday travel tips, to an adorable and festive way to turn your souvenirs into ornaments! this lady has been hanging out on my sidebar for a while now, but today you'll get a chance to know her a little better. check out her interview below, then head to her blog to say hello!
I'm Christina, the girl behind the scenes here at Route Bliss. I'm a 30-something single wannabe vagabond whose practicality and realist side keeps her planted in East Texas. By weekday I write lots of reports at my job as well as daydream frequently where I want to travel to next, ways to motivate myself to getting fit for health and happiness's sake, and experimenting in the kitchen to make my favorite not so healthy foods healthier. I also like to take lots of photos of pretty things, furry critters (aka canines and felines), and beautiful destinations.
two of your favorite posts: The post that 'launched' Route Bliss in August 2013. One of the handful of posts where its my heart instead of my brain, pouring words out on the screen.
And this post from 11.12.13 -- while its a mini night photography tutorial, its also the first astrophotography image I shot.
any travel plans or goals you have for next year? Right now I'm in the process of mapping out a huge summer roadtrip in the western US for Summer 2015. I've had the time off approved by my supervisor, but due to some major work changes in the near future, I am not revealing too much in case it has to be shortened/altered between now and then.
what is your favorite trip/vacation you've ever taken? Oh geez, that's a tough one. As a youth, both trips my family took to Disneyland and the Grand Canyon. I love the Disney parks and the stops at the natural wonders along the way, especially the Grand Canyon, are what started my love of the national parks as well as photographing our natural wonders. As an adult ... I can't choose. There's things about Vienna, Austria I loved even though it was a bittersweet trip. I loved the 2009 roadtrip I took as well as my 2013 one ... and I can't forget the parts of Route 66 I've covered so far either!
share one of your favorite travel moments from 2014. The only traveling I've done this year was to Little Rock, Arkansas to visit my best friend ... so spending time with her and capturing her engagement and bridal portraits as well as experiencing every moment of her wedding day with her.
any special plans for the holidays? Other than sleeping in for 10 straight days, absolutely nothing beyond the norm with my parents and brother on Christmas Day!
where would you dream trip take you? Either to Iceland or New Zealand.
describe yourself in 3 words: Determined. Loyal. Overachieving.
two of your favorite posts: The post that 'launched' Route Bliss in August 2013. One of the handful of posts where its my heart instead of my brain, pouring words out on the screen.
And this post from 11.12.13 -- while its a mini night photography tutorial, its also the first astrophotography image I shot.
any travel plans or goals you have for next year? Right now I'm in the process of mapping out a huge summer roadtrip in the western US for Summer 2015. I've had the time off approved by my supervisor, but due to some major work changes in the near future, I am not revealing too much in case it has to be shortened/altered between now and then.
what is your favorite trip/vacation you've ever taken? Oh geez, that's a tough one. As a youth, both trips my family took to Disneyland and the Grand Canyon. I love the Disney parks and the stops at the natural wonders along the way, especially the Grand Canyon, are what started my love of the national parks as well as photographing our natural wonders. As an adult ... I can't choose. There's things about Vienna, Austria I loved even though it was a bittersweet trip. I loved the 2009 roadtrip I took as well as my 2013 one ... and I can't forget the parts of Route 66 I've covered so far either!
share one of your favorite travel moments from 2014. The only traveling I've done this year was to Little Rock, Arkansas to visit my best friend ... so spending time with her and capturing her engagement and bridal portraits as well as experiencing every moment of her wedding day with her.
any special plans for the holidays? Other than sleeping in for 10 straight days, absolutely nothing beyond the norm with my parents and brother on Christmas Day!
where would you dream trip take you? Either to Iceland or New Zealand.
describe yourself in 3 words: Determined. Loyal. Overachieving.
learn more about Christina on her blog: Route Bliss
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