so here's the deal. I'm leaving for New Zealand tomorrow morning. [as in, about 12 hours from now.] I am BEYOND excited, but the past few days have been full of packing and pre-travel anxiety.
after trying on pretty much every item of clothing I own and no less than FOUR packing lists... one pair of perfect coral pants that sadly had to be returned [and caused much revision of said packing lists] ... agonizing over outerwear... a few
somehow, last year before our trip to Bali I managed to plan and pack everything two days in advance. and also photograph and write a blog post about it. [which has been kindof blowing up on Pinterest lately.] anyway. I definitely plan to share my New Zealand packing list... but after we return.
we'll be gone for 3 weeks, traveling to both islands, and there will be plenty of Hobbits and hiking and cruising and penguins and rugby and beaches and mountains and wine and lighthouses and more to share when I return at the end of February.
BUT. in the meantime, you'll still want to come back and visit ink + adventure. because: some of my favorite travel bloggers and friends have written posts to share with you in my absence. HI, you guys are awesome! in fact, the first one will be up tomorrow while I'm en route to NZ.
there is also a post or two scheduled by yours truly! and if you're really lucky [and I can find Internet] you may just see a travel by iPhone post from the road. you can also keep up with our trip on twitter + instagram, since I likely won't be around the blog.
hope you all have a lovely month, and enjoy the posts I have lined up for you these next few weeks. until then, happy travels! xo