Monday, 25 November 2013

life lately + ww #5

happy monday! it's finally feeling like fall here in Taiwan. the weather has cooled off and Husband and I have tried to take full advantage, spending weekend mornings or sunsets walking in various parks. it's sweatshirt + moccasin weather. drink tea or spiked cocoa weather. but not yet turn-on-the-space-heater-my-bones-are-cold weather.

the past few weeks have involved a lot of Starbucks writing and sushi dates, attending high school basketball games, sending + receiving international mail, pulling over on the scoot home from dinner to watch spectacular sunsets or climb the rainbow bridge, ginger lemon tea and making plans.

what kind of plans? well, for starters, we just booked a trip to Tokyo Disneyland for next spring! we plan to see some of actual Tokyo too, but the main point of this trip is to go to Disney, because that's what I wanted to do for my birthday. a girl only turns 29 for the first time once, right?

I also have to mention, last friday I went on a Taipei adventure with a friend. we did some masterful MRT navigation, devoured a few platters of middle eastern food, and wandered around IKEA. I almost bought a stuffed broccoli toy for Husband, but opted for apple cinnamon candles and some new curtains instead [above.]

which means we should mention last week's wishes [or 2 weeks ago, whatever.]
1. have 2 or more writing sessions for the book.
2. go to Ikea and buy some bedroom curtains.

3. finish organizing my bookshelf.

in case you're looking for proof - I posted a picture of my finished bookshelf on instagram last week. but blogger is being weird tonight about square photos, so you'll either have to click the link or take my word for it.

this week's wishes:
1. hang up the new curtains. since my walls are cement, this will involve a system of 3M hooks and maybe some string. I am 98% sure my ninja improvisation skills are going to work.
2. have an awesome time at the Thanksgiving potluck. right now we have almost 25 teachers + family members planning to gather for dinner. definitely one way to beat the expat holiday blues.
3. start decorating for Christmas. I'm usually a strict not-until-after-Thanksgiving kind of girl, but this year has been tough to hold out. I am sooooo excited to start stringing lights + hanging ornaments!
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