I am NOT in Beijing this weekend, and I do NOT get to see the Great Wall. and that is the source of my crankiness. you see, getting into China is actually a little difficult. since China considers Taiwan to be part of China, there is no Chinese embassy here. which means you have to go elsewhere [usually Hong Kong] to apply for a visa before you can actually go to China.
note: even if you have a Taiwanese visa, one does not simply
where I'm not. photo via. |
the other option would have been for me to apply for my visa separately, in person while I was still in the states. but I was unable to due to a. the travel agent had not yet booked flights and I needed proof of my itinerary to apply for a visa and b. I had less than a week in the states and didn't want to risk missing my flight back to Taiwan being passport-less.
SO. this is all to say that I was not in the best of moods this morning. or yesterday while Husband was packing and I was... not. but my being upset about something completely out of control wasn't going to change the fact that I couldn't go to Beijing this weekend. so I made a conscious effort to cheer myself up and have a better day. and you know what? it worked.
five ways to have a better day:
1. take a nap. no, I'm serious. take a nap. go back to bed. Husband left for the airport this morning before 6am and for some reason I thought I would just start my day then. nope. I went back to sleep and woke up at 9 feeling much better.
2. go outside. fresh air and sunshine always make me happier. giant inflatable ducks help, too.
3. treat yo' self. I don't know where that phrase came from, but I like it. I stoppped by the mall and didn't find what I was actually looking for [instax film] but picked up an adorable fairy-tale themed planner for 2014 and a berry macaron. I'm going to have to show you more of this planner later, because it's ridiculous. in an awesome way.
4. sweat it out. there are studies [somewhere, really] that prove moving your body produces feel-good endorphins. I stopped by the 18 peaks park on my way home and climbed all the way to the top. there were a lot of stairs involved, but the view was worth it.
5. do something you love. when I finally made it home I started writing this post. I skyped with Husband [who, yes, made it safeley to Beijing] and now plan to spend the rest of my evening with guilty pleasure DVDs + a bottle of cider.
have a good better day!