Sunday, 19 July 2015

notes from an expat at home

there are a lot of fantastic things about being an expat visiting your home country. but some things can be a struggle - such as keeping up with your blog. I think you all understand why I've had trouble making time to write. between driving all over the state of Michigan, sorting through all our stuff that's been in storage for 3 years, trying to see all our family and friends, and stuffing ourselves with amazing food [not to mention extremely limited data plans] the internet has been low on my priority list.

we've been splitting time between the west coast and east side of the mitten. your somewhat unrelated photos today are from two sunset walks, on opposite sides of the state. the Lake Michigan shore from Stearns Park in Ludington, and country fields and dirt roads from Armada. [my mother-in-law is moving to Texas this fall, so the next time we visit the US, the corn fields will be replaced by tacos and brisket.]

we leave for Taiwan again on Tuesday, so we've entered the crunch time of our trip. maybe the worst part about coming back for the summer is knowing that you can't do everything. there's always going to be some persons you didn't meet up with, some restaurant you never made it to, some task left incomplete. you're going to end up disappointing at least 5 people with your plans. but after 3 years of this, I think I've finally accepted that it's just the way it goes.

I've learned not to make epic summer bucket lists because there's never enough time or gas in the car to make it all happen. however, there have been some amazing moments this summer. if you've been following along on snapchat [@jamiethewalker] or instagram, you've probably caught a peek at some of these moments:

  • being matron of honor at my cousin's wedding
  • meeting my nephew Derek for the first time
  • morning runs out to the lighthouse
  • climbing the bluff at Sleeping Bear
  • snuggling with my long-lost kittens
  • a video game marathon slumber party
  • finally getting my first tattoo
  • 4th of July antics at my family's cabin
  • discovering my new favorite gluten free beer: Stone's Delicious IPA
  • an epic game of Risk with my nephews
  • trashing my wedding dress with a photoshoot
  • margaritas on the El Azteco roof deck

while it's been a lovely summer, Husband and I are both SO excited to head back to Taiwan and settle in to life in Taipei. he will be starting a new job, and I will [hopefully] get back into my blogging and writing routine. I've been thinking a lot about the blog and where I might want to take it. there are still a lot of back-logged posts to write from New Zealand, I have several requests to revive my food blog, and a dozen ideas for new series to share. after all the sorting through of our physical stuff that I've done these past few months, I think it's time to tackle the idea pile. I'd like to take a step back and refocus on what I'm doing here, maybe make a bit of a fresh start.

while I'm really looking forward to exploring more of Taipei and organizing our new apartment, at this point I'm most excited to be done living out of a suitcase. I'm ready to create a new routine for our life and start planning adventures for the year to come. oh, and to have my unlimited data plan back please.

[there are things about America that I miss, but there are also things that drive me crazy. the ridiculously slow and overpriced cell service has been near the top of the crazy list this summer.]

this part - the end - of our visit is always bittersweet. I'm ready for my own space and for dumplings and dragons, but my heart still hurts to leave home behind. even after three years of doing this whole expat thing. the trans-continental summer gets easier each time [from a jet lag and packing experience perspective at least] but the emotional trauma hasn't lessened. I'll be saying some goodbyes the next few days... but trying to remember that on the other end I'll be saying hellos.

Michigan, you gave us a wonderful summer. plenty of sunshine soaked up, tasty food eaten, miles walked and memories made. we'll see you again soon, xo.
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