as the end of the year approaches, I get more and more contemplative. or as I told Husband the other day: retrospective + introspective. you can expect several posts relating to these themes in the coming weeks, as I look back on 2013 and head into the new year.
I've achieved a LOT this year, but of course I never find time to cross everything off my list. with only two weeks left and Husband's birthday/ Christmas celebrations coming up, I know I won't have unlimited time to devote... so I'm doing some prioritizing on what I can reasonably do that will help me kick off 2014 right. it's all about wrapping things up and laying the groundwork for next year.
with that in mind, here are my goals to accomplish by the end of the year:
1. print and fill out this workbook on unravelling the year ahead. I went through 2013 without a plan, and it turned out to be exactly what I needed at the time. it gave me the freedom to grow and to dream... but now it's time to make those dreams real. this intention-setting notebook seems like the perfect place to start.
2. set up my sponsorship page and open up ad sales for the blog. this whole sponsorship thing is a little scary. I want to do it right, but if I wait until I feel it's "perfect" I'll never start. I know I would tweak and nit-pick until the end of time... so I'm going to launch by the end of the year, ready or not.
3. create a writing schedule, and stick to it. the past few weeks I have not been a very good writer. to be honest, I'm struggling with just how personal this book should get, and trying to decide if I can actually write about my own life or if I need to fictionalize and just use real life for inspiration. and instead of writing and worrying about editing/overhauling later when I figure it out... I just stopped writing.
4. finish my journal, and purchase a new one for 2014. I didn't start journaling until our trip to Thailand in late January. but I've only got 25 pages left in my journal, and I get OCD about keeping these things neat and tidy. so I'm going to fill it up and start fresh with the new year.
5. complete my 52 weeks photo project. I haven't decided if I'll do another next year, whether with instax again or digital. I've contemplated doing another self-portrait theme. or maybe 52 weeks of dragons? I guess deciding what [if any] project to tackle next year should be part of this goal as well.
I also think I'm going to make my weekly wishes posts every other week, or maybe twice a month. I love the support of the linkup, but I think fewer posts with more big-picture goals will be a better formula for me. [speaking of - I accomplished all of my goals from my last wishes post. though the transferring of the phone happened just today.]
what are you looking to accomplish by the end of 2013?