since it's getting all festive up in here and this week's photo theme is animals, I have an excuse to trot this gem out once again. my cat Beaumont, looking grumpy in reindeer antlers circa 2010. because who doesn't love grumpy cat photos, or photos of cats in costume, or really just cat photos in general?
I'm going to keep myself from entering into a I-miss-my-kittens ramble, and instead assure you that Beau is plenty fat + happy living with my parents back in Michigan. [I'm pretty sure my parents are just glad that he hasn't tried to climb the tree this year... yet.] and our other fur baby Rocky is living the country life with my Mother-in-law, busy chasing mice and attacking her sewing projects.
but I said I wasn't going to ramble about cats...
which brings us to to weekly wishes. I crushed all 3 of last week's goals:
and this next week I want to:
1. transfer my life to Husband's old iPhone. a sad thing happened this morning. I dropped my iPhone [which doesn't get service in Taiwan but I still use with wi-fi] and the screen shattered. I've dropped this thing a billion times and for the past year have been living with one small crack. but this morning I was [as usual] trying to carry too many things at once and bam. thankfully Husband will let me use his [also now-defunct] phone so I can still instagram. because let's be honest, I might not survive otherwise.
2. post a new font download. you see the text on my weekly wishes photo? that's the latest font I've been cooking up. I think I've decided on a name, and you can expect a post with the download later this week. it's not strictly a holiday font, but I'm totally envisioning using it on my Christmas cards. and maybe a blog redesign. I'm really excited for this one!
3. have a tree decorating/Christmas movie date. growing up, we always used to put up our tree while watching the Muppet's Christmas Carol. while that is still on my to-watch list I would settle for Love Actually or even Die Hard [totally a Christmas movie] so long as there's a Husband and hot chocolate involved.