Tuesday, 10 December 2013

unbloggable things + a few announcements

I've been thinking a lot about unbloggable things lately. mostly because, a lot of them have been happening. both good, and bad. while I try to be an open and honest person both here and in real life, sometimes, there are just things that you can't/won't/shouldn't share with the world at large. yet, or ever.

reading this post and this post over the last week have really brought that home for me.

I realize it might seem silly to say anything at all... but sometimes the unbloggable things get in the way of the things you intend to actually share. such as the following:

we're going to Bali for Chinese New Year! the upside to Husband's school following a local schedule [and having to work Thanksgiving and Christmas] is that we get a few weeks off in Jan/Feb for CNY. last year we went to Thailand and the Philippines, this year we are planning to spend ten days in Bali, Indonesia. we're traveling with friends, but none of us have ever been to Bali.

SO. I need your suggestions on where to stay, what do do, and what to eat! I know parts of Bali are known for the night life, but we are more of a hang-on-the-beach or temple visiting kind of crew. I would love for you to send me any links or advice via comment, twitter or email.

and... I have some blogging news. for the past few months I've been taking this whole thing more seriously, posting more consistently, and have started sponsoring other blogs. this weekend, I caved to the great sale they have going on over at Passionfruit Ads and bought myself a membership. what does that mean? sometime in the coming weeks, you'll be able to hang out on my sidebar and become the best of internet buds with me.

that's right, I'm going to be offering sponsorships! it's something that I've debated with myself for a long time, but I've decided to take the plunge. I don't have all the details worked out yet, but obviously I'll be announcing when spots are available for purchase. if you're interested in booking a spot, send me an email and I'll be sure you're among the first to know when they're opening!

and that's all the announcements I have for today.

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